This project explores low carbon solutions by identifying the most efficient transition for the rail decarbonisation potentially using different low carbon solutions; the discovery scope will be desktop analysis. The Discovery output will identify an optimised example using innovative connection for demonstration in the Beta phase.
The project addresses all of the Zero Emission Transport Challenge aims by "developing the technologies, infrastructure and processes required to accelerate zero emission transport options" between electricity, hydrogen and rail networks that reduces carbon emissions by removing diesel trains, plus "maximises the connection of renewable energy and storage".
Desktop analysis will assess connection points, capital and operating costs, land usage, and emissions, comparing:
1. Conventional rail electrification – 100% route electrification using large single-phase connections
2. Full electrification – 100% route electrification + multiple 3 phase connections at lower voltages using power electronics
3. Partial electrification – short sections of electrification with 3 phase connection at lower voltages using power electronics + battery electric trains
4. Green hydrogen – hydrogen production and fuel cell trains – an alternative to electrification
The desktop analysis will highlight areas where additional information is needed to help inform the business cases in order to recommend the solution for an optimum combination of Electricity and Hydrogen for Rail applications including business models and their scalability. This is a unique opportunity to benchmark both against diesel and roadmap how this will work effectively for rail.
SP Transmission plc will be the lead organisation with 5 key partners:
· Network Rail (infrastructure provider) brings information about the rail network and electrification costs for traditional transmission connections.
· Ricardo Energy and Environment (3rd party innovator) brings expertise in decarbonising electricity supplies and connecting traction network to distribution network through novel power electronic devices.
· Leeds University (academic user) brings rail and power electronic expertise from their Institute for High Speed Rail and System Integration
· SP Distribution plc providing local network knowledge and data visibility
· ScottishPower ltd, who have a new Hydrogen division set up to drive this topic
This project will help:
· Electricity and rail customers gain quality, service and cost benefits.
· Electricity asset owners gain tool sets for providing cost connection offers to Network Rail that meet both sector's requirements.
· Network Rail to develop tailored and different electrification programmes to switch from diesel to electricity on the 60% of the rail network that is not presently electrified.
Problem Bring Solved
Transportation is a major polluter at 27% of UK greenhouse gases in 2019, with passenger and freight trains causing 1.6 MtCO2e pa. The rail industry has a target of removing all diesel passenger trains by 2040 (2035 in Scotland). There is a challenge to decarbonise the remaining 60%.
Conventionally rail electrification uses high voltage, single phase, connections. Removing diesel potentially adds 3TWh of single-phase rail demand to the existing 4TWh of traction power that Network Rail possesses. This results in high costs per passenger for single-phase connection which are a long distance from viable connection points. These networks also need to connect other decarbonisation solutions.
Government studies support an agile approach in designing a sustainable, affordable and reliable solution for decarbonisation. There is opportunity to integrate hydrogen into rail decarbonisation; which is in the electricity and rail customers' interest in addition to considering technologies such as power electronic and storage.
The UK and Scottish Government both have targets of 5GW for hydrogen production capacity by 2030, and the UK government aims for 1GW by 2025. This capacity will consist of green and blue hydrogen (produced by steam reformation of methane with carbon capture, use, and storage).
Hydrogen production assets have a potential role to play in balancing supply and demand for electricity by turning down or off in peak periods and turning up when supply of renewable energy is high, either in response to price signals or direction from the system operator. Furthermore, they could ease network constraints by responding to signals from TOs or DSOs in the future.
In addition, the rail sector can benefit from novel technologies such as power electronics and battery storage.
Our opportunity lies in comparing their viability for delivering optimal low carbon transport to the consumer.
The benefits to the customer include:
· Increasing quality, security of supply and value for customers through simpler and quicker connection of 3TWh of new rail demand
· Lower electricity system costs and imbalance meeting new Negative Phase
· Sequence limits from 3TWh of additional demand
· A structured approach for the electricity and rail sectors to deliver zero carbon rail electrification
· Carbon reductions of up to of 1.6 MtCO2e pa
· Air quality improvements from removing diesel
· Faster and lower carbon freight, reducing HGVs from roads
This is the first UK project where the electricity, hydrogen suppliers and rail network owners explore innovative options on hydrogen applications.