Energy Networks Innovation Strategy 2022

Learn more about how we are innovating to create tomorrow's energy networks.

For the first time, we have developed one combined gas and electricity strategy to ensure that network innovation takes a fully whole system approach and aligns with the UK’s overall low carbon innovation portfolio.

This strategy has been shaped by an extensive and carefully designed programme of stakeholder engagement and aims to enable our stakeholders to understand the key priorities for network innovation and how you can get involved.

With your help we want to ensure network innovation projects have clear strategic goals and deliver benefits to consumers by tackling the key issues facing our energy system.

You can read the Energy Networks Innovation Strategy here.

You can also explore the key concepts and content of the strategy by navigating the supporting interactive infographics:


Innovation Strategy Objectives, Themes, and Principles

This first infographic gives you an overview of the network innovation themes and principles. When you click on a segment, a pop-up will appear summarising key information.  You can also explore the innovation focus areas defined in the strategy and relevant network project case studies.


Innovation Cycle

This second infographic is a high-level guide that maps out the key stages involved in delivering an innovation project from an initial idea to successful implementation and benefits realisation. By clicking on each step of the process, a pop-up will appear highlighting where this strategy can help and signposting to further information and relevant links.