Between 2011 and 2017, it is anticipated that the installed wind generation capacity in the National Grid transmission network will increase from 1877MW to 8671MW. Together with changes to the network topology, this increase will have a substantial influence on stability constraint boundary flow limits in the National Grid system. The studies will look at the network configuration of the following study years and base cases:
- Year 2010/2011: minimum and maximum load profiles
- Year 2014: minimum and maximum load profiles
- Year 2017: minimum and maximum load profiles.
The studies will be based on one network topology per study year (the analysis of different network schemes is out of the scope of the studies). The generation profiles and planned network expansions of these years will be obtained from the National Grid Seven Year Statement (SYS) 2011.
The feasibility study will illustrate the potential of a tool for system operation and improve our operator capability in the ENCC and hence enable the transmission system to be operated more efficiently and less risk adverse as the rate of decarbonisation increases going forward. Such a capability isn’t currently available; hence the development and implementation will be a first for National Grid delivering an innovative solution in this area, into production within the ENCC.
As the UK moves towards a decarbonised energy sector, there is an increase in the scale and volatility of power flows on the power system expected, this is predominately due to the increased percentage of renewable [intermittent] generation. 15GW by 2015 and 30GW by 2020. This analysis will focus on system stability, specifically caused by the large network flow changes at periods of low demand when a high proportion of synchronised generation is being generated from renewable sources [offshore wind]. The analysis is going to focus on voltage stability but will also include transient and dynamic system stability. DigSilent will produce an independent report with the support from National Grid experts in modelling system stability, and generator dynamic performance, using the current off-line model and making approximations of future system conditions. The analysis will detail system wide conditions and specific boundary issues as defined by National Grid Engineers.