Data and Digitalisation - Discovery Continuity
Project Reference Number:
  • Optimised assets and practices

Project summary
Funding mechanism:
  • NIA_RIIO-2
  • Comms and IT
  • Modelling
  • Network Monitoring

Data and Digitalisation - Discovery Continuity presents an industry-led, multi-partner programme to research and develop, for the first time, a multi-vector energy distribution system digital twin (EDS- DT), addressing critical challenges and catalysing a plethora of new prosperity-generating capabilities, opportunities, products and services for utility operators and stakeholders (supply chain, developers, users and society) while facilitating and accelerating the zero-carbon energy transition.


The growth of hydrogen, the electrification of heat and connecting emerging LCTs brings huge opportunity for DNOs and hence for customers. for operators such as SPEN, being able to effectively predict the outcomes of a range of scenarios on networks of the future, both over longer-term timescales for investment and infrastructure planning and over short timescales to inform network control and operation, will present significant cost reduction and avoidance opportunities through reducing many forms of risk, obviating or delaying network reinforcement, accelerating LCT adoption; while enabling the creation of new commercial models that future system operators and market participants will require.

Moving towards a low carbon future is crucial to both networks and consumers. GB Industrial and Commercial (I&C) sectors accounted for around 500 TWh, or 35% of the total energy demand in Great Britain in 2020 and 17% of greenhouse gas emissions (equivalent to 83 MtCO2 e (ref) from using fossil fuels in high temperature industrial processes (e.g. iron and steel production, large-scale heating, etc.). Transitioning from this carbon-intensive arrangement is essential, but will require a massive amount of increased flexibility to ensure that the balance between supply and demand (and supply system constraints) can all be understood and controlled.

ENSIGN also has key national significance. It aligns with EPSRC strategic themes: Artificial Intelligence, Energy, Digital Economy, Living with Environmental Change, Global Uncertainties, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Engineering. ENSIGN outputs are of national importance and align with national strategies, policies and targets:

  • Strategies: Energy, Energy Digitalisation, Energy Data Taskforce, Hydrogen, Industrial Decarbonisation, Heat;
  • Plans: The ten-point plan for a green industrial revolution, Smart systems and flexibility plan;
  • Targets: Net Zero by 2050. The fundamental advances will be applicable to other distribution and infrastructure (gas, water, communications) networks. Developing an EDS-DT that de-risks LCT adoption is key to meet the government’s Net Zero target by 2050. Digital solutions can achieve efficiencies at pace and respond to challenges outlined in the Prime Minister’s Ten Point Plan (TPP) for a green industrial revolution and the Net Zero Strategy.