SGN currently use three primary types of gas detection equipment across its three networks, Gascoseekers, Gastechs and Gas surveyors. The units are predominately used by First Call Operatives (FCOs) when attending a reported gas escape, and subsequently the engineering teams throughout the repair process. The unit’s involvement in the detection process is critical in providing pinpoint readings of the levels of methane present; allowing the operative to identify the source of the leak and determine the risk score and category of the escape. The result of the investigation is manually recorded by the operative on to a Leakage Investigation Sheet (LIS), which allows continuous site monitoring.
The previous NIA funded project (NIA-SGN0064) was ambitious in its scope in trying to connect the various elements to the gas detection equipment. The clear outcome of this project was to identify the great potential and versatility of the GS700 gas detection equipment. Because the previous 3 trials, this machine had been linked to other elements (calibration station, tablet and cloud application), it was not viable for the equipment to be approved for use on the network.
There is still a need to have a versatile, modular unit that can;
· Determine the presence of carbon monoxide (CO).
· Determine the presence of Oxygen (O2).
· Verify new Infrared detector is in compliance with SGN’s standards (INQ3 and INQ4).
· Utilise rechargeable batteries
The objectives of the project are to produce a portable gas detection device to detect methane, CO , O2 and have the capability of being charged from the vehicle.
Summary of Work Required
· Develop a working prototype of the gas detection device to meet relevant industry standards and specifications.
· Develop work procedures for using the product.
· Trial the solution across SGN’s networks.
Commercial appraisal for the overall use of the product and potential efficiency savings resulting from the success of the field trial. Continued protection of SGNs Intellectual Property
Following completion of the NIA_SGN0161 ‘Advanced Gas Detector Implementation Trial’, the project was considered a success and is recommended to approve and implement the equipment. The following conclusions were also drawn from the project:
Certification is in place for the GS700 instrument, including; ATEX, IP, EN 60079-29 Flammability, EN 45544 Toxicity, EN 50104 Oxygen.
- Gas measurement performance
Gas measurement performance and response times were recorded in-line with BS EN 60079-29-1.
Gas measurement and speed of response performance within the LEL and volume gas range was demonstrated in accordance with SGN/SP/INQ/3 for all twelve of the instruments.
Gas measurement and speed of response performance within the PPM range was demonstrated in accordance with SGN/SP/INQ/4 for six of the instruments with high sensitivity capability to be utilised on SGN AGD IT field trials.
Response time tests for the high sensitivity (PPM) instruments were all observed within tolerance of SGN/SP/INQ/4.
The level of operative engagement was lower than anticipated across all areas. It is fair to say that is hard to anticipate how the pandemic and life may have affected the engagement levels.
The instrument and its performance were accepted by all the personnel involved. From the feedback this was 100%.
Operatives captured details of the probes and attachments which they utilised during each work activity. From the assessment of probe use by work activity no clear preference was observed in regards of choice of probe. However, several operatives mentioned that the water trap in the hose was a good addition as it saves so many cotton filters being drowned.
At the beginning of the trial there had been concerned expressed by operations of the robustness of the batteries. However, battery performance was positive overall with feedback indicating that on all but four occasions, GS700 instrument charge level was indicated as 75-100% at the start and end of every recorded work activity.
No issues other arose in relation to the use of rechargeable batteries or battery performance, and the feedback comments received were very positive (with the exception of a blown fuse), on one charging cradle, no issues were identified with the in-vehicle charging station. In addition, the charging station was measured as 100% in the feedback questionnaire.
On every occasion (with exception of the fuse mentioned), all instruments were found fully charged at the start of each work activity, as such there is no evidence from this trial that the overnight van power has had an effect on the GS700 instrument charge level.
However, this item should be kept in mind and given consideration as and when GMI GS700 in-vehicle charging is rolled out into the future.
Lessons Learnt
The engagement could have been increased by inviting the operatives to some of the weekly meetings. However, because of their shift schedules and call requirements this may have been challenging.
Overall, all the project was well managed and with good engagement across all functions and parties.