Stage Gate 1- Execution & Research
Complete initial evaluations of the existing water ingress issues being faced by SGN and NGGT, in order to provide the Project Partner with a full understanding of the nature and extent of the pit wall water ingress problem. This initial evaluation, which will also require the Project Partner to visit a number of affected pit sites across SGNs and NGGTs networks, will in turn lead to the Project Partner determining the requirements for the formulation and application of the new coating repair technique, as well as proposing the expected success criteria that the selected material and delivery system will be measured against. Ending with the production of a comprehensive progress report to summarise the findings for this stage.
Stage Gate 2 - Production, Lab Testing & Field Trial Preliminaries
Construct a laboratory test rig to mimic pit conditions, then formulate, assess and refine the proposed coatings and primers. Laboratory trials will then be carried out to enable candidate selection and the subsequent procurement of the selected materials and deployment equipment. Undertake quality control testing, determine the success criteria needed to evaluate which coating material will be selected and ensure the coating equipment/delivery system will meet expected SGN and NGGT standards. Produce draft field trial documentation which fully supports the undertaking of live field trials on networks, including associated Risk Assessment and Method Statement (RAMS) documentation in advance of any field trials. Identify expected operational permitry requirements and prospective field trial dates. Ending with the production of a comprehensive progress report detailing the outcomes of the Laboratory trials.
Stage Gate 3 - Lab Scale-up & Field Trials
Produce the required volumes of coating material needed for field trials. Review field trial sites and RAMS; also finalise proposals to ensure compliance with SGNs policies and procedures, and submit for approval. Complete field trial(s) and produce a comprehensive field trial progress report detailing the outcomes.
Stage Gate 4 - Project Closure Reports
Production of a cost assessment and detailed final Project report to SGN and NGGT for approval.
The success criteria for the project are:
- Complete research into the nature and extent of Pit Wall Water Ingress, determine the ‘success criteria’ that the selected material and its delivery system will be measured against. Approval of Stage Gate 1 progress report.
- Complete construction of laboratory test rig, plus selection and procurement of the viable coating material(s), deployment equipment and lab test. Production of draft supporting documentation needed to demonstrate compliance with SGNs policies and procedures, and approval of Stage Gate 2 progress report.
- Complete the production of required volume of coating material for field trial(s) and review of proposed field trial sites. Approval of all supporting documentation, including RAMS. Completion of field trial(s) and approval of Stage Gate 3 progress report.
- Complete final Project report and cost assessment (providing details on the financial benefits that can be gained through using this new technique) for inclusion within the final report and submit both for approval. Approval of Stage Gate 4 final Project report.