The project described in this PEA covers the development of a new repurposing process for NTS assets to transport hydrogen. The approach for repurposing the National Gas Transmission System (NTS) to transport hydrogen will need an innovative approach to meet the timelines for the net zero transition. There have been several projects undertaken to date to determine the interactions of hydrogen with the network assets, we are looking to determine if these activities are providing all the relevant data and evidence required for our network to transition.
The financial benefits of repurposing vs replacing the gas network for hydrogen are in development through the Project UNION programme but are considered to be significant. This financial benefit will be updated through the project period in progress and closure reports. This project will enable those assets to be repurposed robustly, without such an approach for each pipeline section, data and evidence could be missed that could lead to safety and commercial implications. In the case that the NTS assets have no methodology for repurposing the stranded asset cost for the network could be around £6.5b.
Maturity – TRL 2 - The maturity of the existing NGT specification (T/SP/TR/7) uprating process for methane is already advanced. Where, consideration for how hydrogen impacts this new process is ongoing and therefore the TRL is low at the start of this project but should rapidly increase.
Opportunity – 100% of multiple asset classes - All assets will be considered for repurposing.
Deployment costs – This is yet to be determined and will be sourced during the FEED process within Project Union.
Innovation cost – £1.016m - Cost associated to the NIA project and deploying the outcome as business as usual.
Financial Saving – This is yet to be determined and will be sourced during the FEED process within Project Union and will be a cost saving through preventing new build and preventing stranded assets (in the order of £6.5b)
Safety – 100% - Without this new process and approach we cannot guarantee the correct actions have been taken to ensure the repurposing of the assets has been done safely.
Environment – This is still yet to be defined. However, the transition of the gas users in the UK to utilising hydrogen provides a massive CO2 saving alongside the environmental benefits associated to reducing the requirement for new build.
Compliance – Ensures Compliance - Compliance will be insured through the delivery of this new robust process and approach.
Skills & Competencies – Departmental - The process and repurposing delivery teams will be required to utilise this new tool, skills and competencies will need to be developed across these departments.
Future proof – Must have for the business strategy - this new process will be required in the transition of the UK NTS network and therefore is a must have for the net zero approach.
The net benefit delivered so far, is that the draft TR/10 specification has been embedded into the proposed Project Union FEED process. Where, this will be challenged and reviewed, and updated as part of this process. This will ensure that at the end of the FEED process, the specification is fit for purpose and ready for approval into the business.
Lessons Learnt
The approach for repurposing high-pressure pipelines could be utilised across the globe and in this we will be preventing duplication through engagement with other relevant global stakeholders. The learning created in this project will also be disseminated to other UK networks who may be considering higher pressures for future applications. Consideration of projects such as LTS Futures and GDN Hydrogen development projects (H21, H100 etc…) will be taken to ensure that the outcome of this project provides insight to all UK applications.