In the event of an incident on the network, pressures may reduce to a level that could affect the security of supply for wider consumers and/or the delivery of gas at a satisfactory pressure to consumers. In extreme conditions this could mean the network pressure is so low that the end-user supply needs to be isolated for safety. The process to re-establish the supply is time-consuming and can be onerous on consumers and networks. To mitigate this, we will create a device that can detect low-pressure and/or unacceptable rate of change in pressure at consumers properties. Once a change is detected the device will be able to activate a shut-off valve. The valve closure will isolate the end-user gas supply, protecting the end-user and the wider network. Development of a solution at this point will allow for availability of a monitoring solution that can be deployed along with the network rollout of hydrogen supply.
Phase 1: To verify the most appropriate system design to meet the monitoring and reporting of pressure and under-pressure shut-off (UPSO) conditions. DefProc will then carry out tests in their lab before bringing a proof-of-concept device to test with hydrogen supply.
Phase 2: To take the learnings from phase 1 to build prototype devices which best meet the Networks needs and requirements of the deployment situation. At the end of this phase, the resultant devices will be ready for wider deployment, subject to network need, and any mandatory testing for devices to be attached to the network. The product will advance to TRL7 (operating in operational environment at pre-commercial scale).
TRL level 7 was successfully achieved. 5 finalized products/devices are available for further testing and demonstrating at our Research Site NERV.
Through the projects processes we were able to identify and select appropriate components that would work robustly in both Natural Gas and Hydrogen, with the ability to sense pressure, alert of low-pressure instances and take action via the turning of a ball valve automatically.
The devices in question will allow greater transparency of ECV pressure for customers to allow us visibility of the affects changes in the network may have for end users. A smart and agile approach to incidents is now possible with this device to both monitor as well as intervene in the instances of poor pressure for the customer(s).
The devices can be rolled out on both the current and future network(s). In particular they can be used on more isolated areas of the network(s) to gain in-depth pressure knowledge. In addition they would allow for further safety and assurances when it comes to conversion and how it is being handled by the network when it becomes operational on hydrogen.
The communication technology identified to be able to obtain information from these devices is an area of opportunity for the networks to leverage a different way of understanding network pressures.
Lessons Learnt
The five devices produced through the project successfully will be taken to use at our Research site of Low Thornley at the NERV site where we can facilitate further testing and trialing on the demonstrator homes there. It is intended a further project to refine the devices as well as progress TRL will be conducted to capitalize on the benefits of the products developed.
The one and only problem the project encountered was the location and ability to test the device on 100% hydrogen. If and when it could see hydrogen remains to be seen but future proofing the design was best done in the spirit of innovation. Not many facilities are available for 100% hydrogen testing even at low pressure, and if they are, it is unlikely they are insured and willing to take on risk of bespoke testing of this nature. Having a project partner who could undertake this to allow Defproc and potentially future SME’s would be of great learning to the networks.
The device proved its capability and it will inform a business case in the future to enable a smarter more agile network, which can respond quicker and more efficiently for customers in the instances of poor pressure on the network that could affect downstream customers.
Through the use of previous research, gained from a variety of sources, the project was able to determine a engineering solution that was appropriate on both a methane network and a hydrogen network. Having a third party for independent testing and feedback allowed robust challenge to both the design and operation of the devices and proved invaluable to the end product.