Soon we will require flow meters and gas analysers that have the required capability in Hydrogen. Our network could become even more complex to manage, meaning we will need an increasing number of accurate measurement systems that are better connected and can respond quickly to the possibility of varying Hydrogen blends. Therefore, it is important that we complete an assessment of the Hydrogen capability for all our relevant gas analyser and flow metering assets, to understand the point at which we may need to intervene to maintain accurate measurements of our system as Hydrogen is introduced. We will also review developing technology to ensure we are able to introduce new Hydrogen capable systems onto our network as required.
This project will improve our understanding of the capability different metering and analyser technologies have when operating in H2/CH4 blended scenarios.
Based on the review of current and alternative meter, gas analyser and flow computer technologies Kelton have undertaken a gap analysis and produced a test plan for 100% hydrogen as well as blends of hydrogen. The test plan prioritises those technologies which have already undergone some testing by the manufacturer but require further testing at higher pressures. The test plan includes testing some meter assets at high pressure as well as other assets at laboratory scale as well as gas analysers and flow computers. The test plan enables National Gas to efficiently progress the technologies that are likely to be most suited to hydrogen applications and concentrate efforts on the most mature of these technologies. The findings of this project will feed into the FutureGrid metering skid design project which looks to test meter assets with 100% hydrogen at high pressure and further increase the TRL.
National Gas can use the information from this project to install equipment as part of the ongoing asset lifecycle that will be most suited to or can be modified for hydrogen blends service, therefore mitigating costly re-design if incompatible technology was chosen.
Value tracking
Data Point Data Point Definition
Maturity TRL 2-3 Desktop study of hydrogen impact on existing measurement assets
Opportunity 100% of single asset class Applies to measurement asset class
Deployment costs - This is a research project and deployment costs are unknown
Innovation cost £67,525 Cost of innovation project
Financial Saving - Cannot currently be quantified. Future savings would come from avoided
costs through improved investment planning.
Safety - The focus of this research is not linked to safety
Environment - This project is an enabler for the transition to a Hydrogen network,
therefore there is an environmental benefit however hard to quantify at this stage.
Compliance Support compliance Project supports future compliance in accurate gas flow measurements
Skills & Competencies Departmental Gas quality and metering department could be managing new assets and
changes to existing assets.
Future proof Supports business strategy Supports transition to hydrogen
Lessons Learnt
Stakeholder engagement with metering and gas quality subject matter experts from National Gas was key at the beginning of the project to understand the current range of meters and gas analysers currently used at NTS entry points, exits points, compressor fuel gas metering and process metering sites. Also review by the metering and gas quality subject matter experts of the reports from each work package was key before moving onto the next stage. Engagement from meter and gas analyser manufacturers was also key to understand the hydrogen readiness of the meter and analyser assets as well as willingness to provide information from other innovation projects.