The most commonly epoxy grout used has a number of benefit’s, but also a number of limitations. For example, it can only be applied between temperatures of 4°C and 15°C and an operational limit up to 50°C before the strength start to deteriorate, which can impact on how quickly this pipeline repair method can be deployed. It can also extend the time taken for installation.
Secondly, one consequence of using 3-part epoxy grouts is the filler powder which is not suitable for open site mixing in high wind condition. This has been considered to have a potential risk to the quality of the final mix as some of this filler may be lost in the wind. If any amount of filler is airborne and lost due to high wind then there is a potential risk on the integrity of the epoxy quality and strength. In addition, due to high risk of inhalation of airborne filler, facial masks have to be worn by the site operators.
The other technique is welding; welding is very time consuming and labour intensive process. Flow rates may need to be reduced for welding to take place. However, there is no guarantee that the welding will be carried out at the planned time because in some cases flow rates could not be reduced due to the demand required for customers.
To assess the new grout by evaluating two grades in two different installation conditions and ensure that the product is suitable for pipeline repair.