Under certain climatic conditions it is possible for unacceptable levels of ice to build up on gas turbine air intakes. Ice build up on the air intake structures reduces the available cooling and combustion air for the gas turbine, reducing efficiency and the integrity of the unit if the ice should become ingested within the engine.This would have serious consequences for the integrity of the gas turbine unit and network supply capability due to unit failure.
There is considerable worldwide experience of operation gas turbine based infrastructure in low ambient temperatures and a number of ice treatment technologies are well defined. Dovetailing the most cost effective available ice treatments with the existing air intake structures. This and also employing any fortuitous effects such as surface roughness, will improve the overall effectiveness of water repulsion and ice management of gas turbine air intakes across the National Grid fleet.
This programme of work should be seen as one component to improve the overall husbandry of the compressor fleet, although use of hydrophobic coatings may have universal applicability across National Grid.