Electric and magnetic fields (EMF) are present whenever and wherever electricity is generated, transmitted, and used. Radiofrequency (RF) emissions are prevalent due to the adoption of wireless communication devices, smart meters, inverters, etc. Understanding and concerns around potential environmental health and safety impacts related to these EMF and RF exposures are evolving as the need for electrification and grid resiliency increases. Through this project, National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) will collaborate with Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to carry out fundamental research to assess the uncertainties and potential impact of EMFs and RFs on human and non-human biota, develop models and characterization for EMFs and RFs, and synthesise global developments in the field, for use in the UK energy industry.
This project is expected to deliver a financial benefit of £864k to UK consumers over a 5 year period. This assessment is based on comparing the estimated research costs from EPRI’s leveraged funding mechanism in the innovation option, and estimated annual costs involved in a few research projects that would have to be commissioned by NGET independently in baseline option.
In absence of latest outcomes from EMF research, other utilities have reported that 4-15% of total project costs is spent on EMF reduction techniques. These include measures such as undergrounding near residential and commercial properties, introducing corridors around overhead lines, compact tower usage, cable screening with metal tubes or passive loops and health screening of communities close to lines. If EMF and RF are not managed in the UK as effectively, given the scale of the program of works to achieve Net Zero, this would result in very high mitigation costs and delays in consenting.
Health and Safety:
Outcomes from this project will enable NGET to operate a robust worker safety program for its staff and appropriate measures for community health, particularly in proximity to electricity assets. It will also enable effective communication of potential health impacts from electricity assets, to the UK electricity industry and the public.
The EPRI program P60 has been developing insights and understanding of potential or perceived risks from EMF exposure for new or emerging technologies to support the net zero transition. In the P60A - Health Studies and Risk Communication strand, the TransExpo study hasn’t provided evidence to exclude EMF as a cause for the uncertainty around CL by removing selection bias in such studies. Further research into these subjects within the P60 program will continue and provide science-backed outcomes to the industry and policy makers. The impacts of new or rapidly expanding technologies have also been investigated by the program, providing valuable insights into the potential impacts of ultra-high voltage HVDC overhead lines, which aren’t currently used in the UK.
In the P60B - Exposure Characterization and Management strand, research has developed insights into EMF mitigation measures to be taken against microshocks as more overhead infrastructure is planned to be rolled out. Further, a framework for EMF marine impacts was developed where there was a void in guidance. This has been incorporated into companywide guidance and has allowed for more complete assessments of offshore projects to be carried out.
Research into new technology, such as 5G and battery storage, helps identify future occupational and public acceptance issues. In addition to these a comprehensive EMF management reference book has been developed and published. This will help the industry assess the EMF impacts of new assets in order to facilitate the infrastructure needed to connect new renewable generation.
Additionally, the EPRI research program continues to be pivotal in the formulation of the UK’s carefully thought-out EMF guidelines and policies. These ensure that the public and employees are protected against EMF without additional costly measures being introduced with no scientific basis.
Recommendations for further work
Many of the strands within this project are ongoing, with incremental research outcomes published every year. The long-term goals of EMF research are to understand any current and emerging risks to human health, flora and fauna and other equipment. The P60 program is a holistic on-going program, which investigates these issues to help industry understand, manage and mitigate those risks.
The current portfolio is addressing the issues of new or expanding use of different technologies. This will lead to additional issues being highlighted, which in turn will lead to recommendations for future work in subsequent years.
Lessons Learnt
Several of the strands of work within this program have benefited from active involvement by National Grid scientists and engineers. This includes active promotion of research items that will benefit the UK consumers. National Grid regards one of the lessons learned as understanding that the maximum benefit from a subscription to a program like this is obtained not just by providing the funding but by active engagement and influence over the conduct of the research and the shaping of the program. National Grid is currently the Utility Advisory Board Chair which is adding value to the subscription. Many of the research strands have helped the electricity industry and stakeholders in the UK with communication around EMF and health and assessing impacts of future technologies, which in turn is supporting the transition to net zero. Areas which are expanding to aid this transition, such as offshore transmission and battery storage, are actively being researched by the program to help answer stakeholder questions and ensure the technology can be rolled out without issue.
There are three principal methods for disseminating the learning to other network licensees and to consumers and the broader public:
https://www.emfs.info/ - the science of EMF, location and policy
Peer-reviewed scientific publications (which are listed on https://www.emfs.info/)
The ENA EMF Strategy Committee, where updates on research are a standing item on the agendas for the twice-yearly meetings
Year 2023/24
The following peer reviewed papers have been published in publicly accessible journals:
Crespi C.M., et al., International study of childhood leukemia in residences near electrical transformer rooms. 2024 May; 249(C):118459. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0013935124003633?via%3Dihub
Leman JT, Olsen RG, Renew D. Calculation of Transmission Line Worker Electric Field Induced Current Using Fourier-Enhanced Charge Simulation. Energies. 2023; 16(22):7646. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16227646
Nguyen, C.M. Crespi, X. Vergara, L. Kheifets, Pesticides as a potential independent childhood leukemia risk factor and as a potential confounder for electromagnetic fields exposure, Environmental Research, 2023, 116899, ISSN 0013-9351, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.116899
Aerts, S.; Deprez, K.; Verloock, L.; Olsen, R.G.; Martens, L.; Tran, P.; Joseph, W. RF-EMF Exposure near 5G NR Small Cells. Sensors 2023, 23, 3145. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23063145
In February 2024, EPRI held the ‘Transmission & Substation UK Workshop 2024- P60 EMF/RF Health Assessment and Safety’ workshop at Warwick, along with additional speakers including National Grid. Network Licensees were invited to attend where various research results and topics were rolled out to the various utilities. Topics discussed included:
EMF interference to implanted medical devices
- Policies for employers
- Experimental studies and practical implementation
- Roundtable utility discussion of issues for employees and public with AIMDs
EMF health studies: Emphasis on childhood leukaemia
Utility round table on EMF health concerns covering:
- Is childhood leukemia still a concern for your utility?
- If so, how do you address concerns?
- Does your company have the expertise to interpret and explain CL studies for the public and regulators?
- What other issues have members of the public expressed to you?
- What additional research would be helpful to you?
EMF from HVDC submarine cables- including electrical environment, marine impacts and EMF assessment framework.
In addition to this a number of technical webinars have presented research outcomes, measurement techniques and risk communication strategies to the funders. These include:
- Portfolio rollout webinar – 13th July 2023
- Technical webinar: EMF risk communication – 2nd November 2023
- Technical webinar: Radio frequency environment around powerlines - 18th April 2024
- Technical webinar: Implanted medical devices – Planned for 15th May 2024