Data-Driven Online Monitoring and Early Warning for GB System Stability (DOME)
Project Reference Number:
  • Net zero and the energy system transition

Project summary
Funding mechanism:
  • NIA_RIIO-2
  • Modelling
  • Network Monitoring
Preceding Projects:
Third Party Collaborators:
  • University of Bath
  • Imperial Consultants

DOME will examine whether measuring on-line impedance spectra of a gird can give early warning of emerging oscillations, and beyond that, whether it is possible to identify which aspects of which equipment should be re-tuned to damp those oscillations. This is a data-driven method that will not require owners/vendors of wind farms to disclose their internal control models. The analytical methods for mode identification and participation assessment have been created in previous academic research, this project will assess whether these methods are capable of practical implementation. DOME is a desktop study that will use data gathered by Transmission Owners (TOs), example systems models and small-scale laboratory testing. The project will report on the viability of practical implementation and on how field trials could be conducted. 


The implementation of online monitoring could bring several benefits, including: 

  • Early Warning and Reduced Risk for Possible Oscillations: By continuously monitoring the power grid in real-time, online monitoring can detect the early signs of oscillations and alert grid operators before they escalate into a more significant issue. This can reduce the risk of system instability and potential blackouts.
  • Reduced Renewable Curtailment: Online monitoring can provide grid operators with more accurate information about the behaviour of renewable resources such as wind farms and solar PV.  
  • Increased System Security: By providing grid operators with more accurate and timely information, online monitoring can increase the overall security of the power grid.
  • Contributing Toward Net Zero Target: Online monitoring can help to integrate more renewable energy into the power grid, which is critical to achieving net-zero emissions targets.