Project Summary
The project continues to meet the primary innovation challenge with its core aim to increase productivity through a reduction in construction costs, production defects, project delays and carbon footprint directly linked to welding and its associated activities. This is to be achieved by lowering the risk of deviations or errors during the welding process, which is a critical path activity, through better practice and quality management. Increasing system robustness and traceability through digitisation of welding process and supply chain gas assets. The project continues to provide value to gas consumers by lowering the costs on a regulated asset by refining the user needs into clear outputs that must be met these are:
a) The elimination of double and triple handling of data
b) Reducing the number of staff needed to cover projects
c) Reducing the amount of travelling needed by staff
d) Live error correction through production transparency via a shared portal
e) Open ended design ready for future upgrades
f) Able to provide Live metrics, KPI's and remote monitoring of projects day to day
The project continues to look to the future by considering emerging technology such as satellite internet, artificial intelligence integrations and blockchain data security and how these contrasting systems may integrate into the solution in 10 to 20 years' time by asking the question "how would we use these technologies if they were ready today?" to provide significant resiliency to the gas network for upgrades and rebuilds.
Throughout the discovery phase the project developed as predicted apart from three core factors, IT communication, technology standardisation and accessibility. The partners have learnt that these three factors had a higher significance to the success of the project than originally thought.
Strong IT communication was known to be needed and whilst the original idea conceptualised wireless and 5G connectivity, through observation of how unreliable these can be on sites with poor access to phone masts (due to their remote locations) the project has included a radio mesh system for site side system resilience over long 'field' distances and satellite internet for site to office communication in lieu of phone mast connectivity.
Technology standardisation was partially considered originally; the project partners original focus looked only at macro technological solutions such as equipment and integration with other software systems through using Application Programming Interfaces (API's) however during discovery the partners realised that there is a need to ensure future systems and technologies understand what a weld 'looks' like in the digital space at the micro level, as this would future proof the creation of new API's and new equipment outside of this project.
The project partners believe this will be best met by producing a new International Standards Organisation (ISO) standard to depict what a digital weld is amongst the business community. Fortunately, two of the project partners United Living and TWI have presence on international committee's and experience creating and modifying international standards; this may result in a separate project alongside Digital Inspector.
Whilst an accessible system to both customer and contractor is still part of the project objectives, greater consideration has been applied to the physical site side users. Whilst the new generation of user are technology savvy current incumbents are largely technology shy so the user interface being considered is planned to be simple and logical that requires minimal training thus the design of a simple Site App will be produced with possible consultation from a human factors engineer.
Innovation Justification
Digital Inspector represents a strategic shift in energy network installation and management. It is an essential solution that heralds a new era of digitalisation within the energy sector, fostering efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and risk mitigation. The project will enable a step-change in welding management and monitoring across disparate locations, integrating real-time weld data acquisition with approval databases for procedures and welders. This solution is not only revolutionary in its current form, but also offers scalability for future inclusion of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) digital data.
We are applying against the Improving energy system resilience and robustness innovation challenge with a focus on both technological innovation and digitalisation within energy networks. Our project addresses the area "strengthening the UK's energy system robustness to support efficient roll out of new infrastructure". We will build on our findings from the Discovery phase during which close collaboration of the partners has identified the critical interdependencies between the different partner roles as well as the needs of other stakeholders. Frequent requirement-gathering meetings and rigorous R&D initiatives have substantiated the project's viability, directing us towards an innovative, cost-effective, and transformative solution. Under the leadership of Cadent Gas Limited, our collaborative team, including TWI (The Welding Institute), National Gas Transmission PLC, Triton Electronic Limited, and United Living Group Limited, in the alpha phase we will build prototypes and experiment with different solutions based on our findings from the discovery phase. Assumptions will be rigorously tested and validated to advance the TRL from TRL 3 to TRL 7.
The crux of Digital Inspector's innovation lies in its central dashboard system being developed by Triton Electronics. This ground breaking platform will enable live project tracking and instantaneous collaboration with principal contractors like Cadent/National Grid, and subcontractors such as United Living performing the welding. The aim is to transform conventional welding plants into IoT-enabled entities, offering real-time data on fabrication across numerous sites, ensuring live compliance to specifications and codes, and facilitating remote digital inspection. A key feature of Digital Inspector is its capacity to seamlessly integrate with modified software packages from TWI Ltd, such as Welding Coordinator and Welding Qualifier. This will enable uploading and utilisation of pre-project planning phase data and documentation. Upon completion of welding, data is reintegrated back into TWI's software for long-term retention and subsequent analysis according to industry standards.
The size and scale of the Digital Inspector Alpha Phase concept has been meticulously defined to achieve suitable TRL, IRL and CRL such that by completion of the experimental development there is sufficient demonstrated capability to move to demonstration and network roll out by United Living in the Beta phase. This scalability will catalyse wider adoption and wield a profound influence on energy networks, optimising operations and triggering substantial cost savings.
The implementation of this novel concept necessitates the collaborative expertise of the project partners. SIF funding is the key enabler in supporting the project partners to collaborate and ensure that priority is given to innovation as opposed to focusing on 'business as usual'. The absence of funding would lead to a substantial delay in bringing Digital Inspector to market, preventing the realisation of a transformative digital solution that promises a safer, more efficient, and cost-effective energy network. The potential risks of delaying are substantial, with both direct and indirect implications on operational efficiency, cost savings, and overall market readiness. By not proceeding in a timely manner, we risk falling behind in the industry's digital revolution, resulting in a potential loss of competitive advantage. Hence, securing funding and moving forward promptly is of utmost importance.
Impacts and Benefits
Digital inspector will improve the control of welded pipeline construction. By increasing the visibility of construction progress, problems can be identified earlier, such as defect welds which can then be repaired sooner in the cycle. There are also benefits from reduced paperwork induced defects and identifying potential pinch points so resources can be best directed.
We have estimated these benefits in themselves are significant, but just as importantly offering the visibility helps to increase trust and reduce both the risk of overruns, and so the insurance costs associated with late delivery or substandard quality. These are outlined in the Project Management Book.
A key metric is an estimated 65% reduction in weld repair costs. This is achieved by linking the quality assurance early in the cycle -- making sure welders are qualified, pipe certificates are available, correct welding procedures are selected. After each weld, quality assurance documents will be instantly available, so weld repairs are done while the crew is still in situ with minimum project disruption.
Currently issues with assets are only found once there is a failure and this frequently occurs once the asset has been reburied and everyone has left site, with the use of Digital Inspector we will be able to flag any issues with welds before the point of failure. This will mean that the use of excavators would not be needed to re-excavate the ground and cut the faulty pipe out to fix the issue. This further reduces the amount of liquid fuels that we would use annually and reduces the carbon emissions produced directly.
Reducing weld repairs and reducing the impact of any repairs that are still necessary, leads directly to reduced insurance costs. It is estimated adopting Digital Inspector will reduce project insurance by 30%.
Improved quality and a readily available database of project information reduces ongoing maintenance. Digital Inspector saves both in construction and in ongoing maintenance, and therefore future reductions in the cost of operating the network.
United Living estimates that Digital Inspector will give a 30% saving in tCO2e. From 5,101 tCO2e to 3,571 tCO2e per annum.
Indirect carbon dioxide savings would be the reduction of scope 2 and 3 areas, this is the reduction in the main contractor mobilisation, such as Cadent. This refers to the deliveries and equipment used on site that would produce additional CO2. The indirect reduction of CO2 production would be reduced with the implementation of Digital Inspector by decreasing the callouts to site for supply chain and hiring of equipment. This would be decreased by preventing damaged pipework from being buried and found to be faulty later down the line where equipment and suppliers would have to travel back to site to unearth the asset to fix it.
This would reduce the amount of emissions from our gaseous fuels and grey fleet from 287 tCO2e by 20% to 231 tCO2e per annum, as well as reducing carbon dioxide production in other scope 2 and 3 aspects.
Both TWI and Triton Electronics aim to offer new products and bring in new income streams. TWI already produces weld management software. However, new options and specific criteria are necessary for this application. Digital Inspector will allow TWI to offer a tailored land pipeline construction solution.
Triton produces welding monitors. Digital Inspector will require an increased number of monitors on a site. However, the monitors will be simpler than the current range of products, relying on the Digital Inspector dashboard to provide the connection and intelligence. Implementing an industry 4.0 approach to keep site welding connected to a highly functional quality database.
Impacts and benefits
Financial - future reductions in the cost of operating the network.
Digital inspector will improve the control of welded pipeline construction. By increasing the visibility of construction progress, problems can be identified earlier, such as defect welds which can then be repaired sooner in the cycle. There are also benefits from reduced paperwork induced defects and identifying potential pinch points so resources can be best directed.
We have estimated these benefits in themselves are significant, but just as importantly offering the visibility helps to increase trust and reduce both the risk of overruns, and so the insurance costs associated with late delivery or substandard quality. It is estimated adopting Digital Inspector will reduce project insurance by 30%.
A key metric is an estimated 65% reduction in weld repair costs. This is achieved by linking the quality assurance early in the cycle -- making sure welders are qualified, pipe certificates are available, correct welding procedures are selected. After each weld, quality assurance documents will be instantly available, so weld repairs are done while the crew is still in situ with minimum project disruption.
Improved quality and a readily available database of project information reduces ongoing maintenance. Digital Inspector saves both in construction and in ongoing maintenance, and therefore future reductions in the cost of operating the network.
Environmental - carbon reduction – direct CO2 savings per annum
Currently issues with assets are only found once there is a failure and this frequently occurs once the asset has been reburied and everyone has left site, with the use of Digital Inspector we will be able to flag any issues with welds before the point of failure. This will mean that the use of excavators would not be needed to re-excavate the ground and cut the faulty pipe out to fix the issue. This further reduces the amount of liquid fuels that we would use annually and reduces the carbon emissions produced directly.
Environmental - carbon reduction – indirect CO2 savings per annum
United Living estimates that Digital Inspector will give a 30% saving in tCO2e. From 5,101 tCO2e to 3,571 tCO2e per annum.
Indirect carbon dioxide savings would be the reduction of scope 2 and 3 areas, this is the reduction in the main contractor mobilisation, such as Cadent. This refers to the deliveries and equipment used on site that would produce additional CO2. The indirect reduction of CO2 production would be reduced with the implementation of Digital Inspector by decreasing the callouts to site for supply chain and hiring of equipment. This would be decreased by preventing damaged pipework from being buried and found to be faulty later down the line where equipment and suppliers would have to travel back to site to unearth the asset to fix it.
This would reduce the amount of emissions from our gaseous fuels and grey fleet from 287 tCO2e by 20% to 231 tCO2e per annum, as well as reducing carbon dioxide production in other scope 2 and 3 aspects.
Revenues - creation of new revenue streams New to market – processes.
Both TWI and Triton Electronics aim to offer new products and bring in new income streams. TWI already produces weld management software. However, new options and specific criteria are necessary for this application. Digital Inspector will allow TWI to offer a tailored land pipeline construction solution.
Triton produces welding monitors. Digital Inspector will require an increased number of monitors on a site. However, the monitors will be simpler than the current range of products, relying on the Digital Inspector dashboard to provide the connection and intelligence. Implementing an industry 4.0 approach to keep site welding connected to a highly functional quality database.