This project will seek to inform an ENA Engineering Recommendation (or equivalent) for the connection, charging and control of new, large, PIV load to domestic properties. The focus of this project is on the collaborative approach required to achieve consensus on a solution that can be used to facilitate the roll out of controlled PIV charging. In doing so, it will enable significantly larger numbers of PIV charging on today’s local electricity distribution networks, with sizeable reduction in reinforcement costs and customer bills/disruption.
The practical output will be a functional specification to describe the system, providing vendors with the information needed to build a trial system. Note that a detailed specification to allow full interoperability between vendors would be produced as a next step once the solution was successfully trialled and therefore lies outside the scope of this project. The output(s) will be achieved through:
- Desk-based research into existing national and international Protocols and Standards in the PIV space: specifically charging types and charging protocols either in development, in trial, or live. To investigate what is available, or in development today, with a view to establishing a preferred approach for a GB wide adoption.
- Dialogue with PIV manufacturers and charging point manufacturers to develop a roadmap of the likely vehicle charging requirements for different types of PIV (ideally 2015-2030+), including size (kW), battery capacity (kWh), likely charging location, etc.
- Develop an outline ‘standard’ for the connection and control of PIVs on distribution networks, together with options for deployment (e.g. Engineering Recommendation, Code of Practice, incentive mechanism, etc.)
- Test the outline ‘standard’ for the connection and control of PIVs on distribution networks with a broad audience, e.g. automotive community (LowCVP, OLEV, DfT, TfL etc.), Ofgem, ENA, IET and other stakeholders to be agreed, via consultation under the auspice of the Automotive-Utilities Working Group / other as identified. This will determine (a) the appropriateness of the outline standard, and (b) how the ‘standard’ should be deployed.
- Develop a communications strategy for enabling deployment. Customer Engagement Plan and Data Protection Strategy to be produced in support.
- Submission of material to the ENA, with endorsement by Automotive-Utilities Working Group to evidence industry and cross-sector support.
- Development of policy documents to validate the learning and facilitate embedding practices into the DNO for two use cases: restoration post fault / planned investment and management.Completion of the foregoing tasks will enable the creation of an endorsed common solution for control of electric vehicle charging infrastructure giving a sizeable benefit to the DNOs and their customers.
The success criteria is defined as:
- Industry accepted solution for managing PIV uptake on distribution networks that will avoid significant infrastructure costs or disruption
- Industry accepted customer messaging strategy and recommendations for implementation