Project Summary
As more LCTs connect to the network, UKPN have seen a rise in voltage complaints from customers due to voltage limits of the LCT equipment being triggered. Immediate data is not available to UKPN to sufficiently conduct a root-cause analysis, impacting the ability to provide conclusive and quick response to issues. However, this detailed data is available from customers’ own LCTs.
DataMate aims to better understand LCTs voltage impact on the network by developing a partnership ecosystem and open data framework with LCT operators. Through crowdsourcing voltage data, DataMate will enable proactive response from electricity networks and improve customer experience.
Innovation Justification
DataMate aims to crowdsource data from devices connected at the grid-edge, i.e. those near the electricity network boundary, by establishing an ecosystem including LCT providers and other stakeholders. This industry-first approach will enable DNOs to obtain the data to proactively identify and effectively manage voltage challenges stemming from the increasing number of LCTs connecting to the network.
Although grid-edge data exists, currently there is no market proposition or platform to allow DNOs to unlock and harness this data to improve granular visibility. Hence the current TRL, IRL and CRL remain low.
Discovery seeks to establish interest and participation from necessary stakeholders, develop data requirements and mapping, and explore potential open data sharing models. It is anticipated that the TRL, IRL and CRL will reach 3-4 at the end of Discovery. Preliminary engagement has shown interest from stakeholders in providing such data.
Understanding data requirements and the technical and commercial feasibility of data sharing are crucial first steps in ensuring the viability of developing a data sharing framework or platform. The scale and scope of Discovery will enable delivery of these key steps ahead of development and testing.
Considerable investment, partner engagement and innovation will be required to develop DataMate into a full solution, which would not be achievable as part of business-as-usual activity. Given the phased nature of the SIF, we believe the project is well suited to this mechanism as it will enable upfront engagement and feasibility assessments ahead of proposition development and testing, before any scalable or widespread deployment is delivered.
To date, when voltage complaints arise, UKPN provide self-serve voltage recorders to customers to capture data. Also, voltage management innovation projects exist like Stratus, EcoVAR, voltage regulators and CLASS. However, these will only be considered after identifying an issue and hence, they remain a reactive response to a complaint process, often involving numerous customer visits and slowing down the speed of resolving complaints. DataMate will reduce the number of customer complaints by proactively identifying voltage incursions.
The fragmented nature of LCT providers’ data and systems, paired with unprecedented LCT uptake, means that without the development of solutions through DataMate, DNO’s will remain in the dark about causes of voltage issues and be left to continue reactive response to voltage management. DataMate will help define DNO proactive approaches and potentially an automated voltage management response, reducing the need for manual process such as on-site visits.
Impacts and Benefits
We will use current voltage complaint data as our initial counterfactual against which we will evaluate success. However, as the project evolves and the visibility of data extends, other metrics will also be established to serve as counterfactual for evaluating impact. We envisage the following key benefits:
Financial - future reductions in the cost of operating the network
Better-informed voltage management (i.e. proactive vs. reactive response) will lead to reduction in cost from reduced site visits/voltage record equipment, and obtaining a more resilient network.
· Metrics: number and cost of voltage related site visits, resolution time of voltage issues, updated processes around voltage management
Environmental - carbon reduction – direct CO2 savings per annum
One of the aims of the project is to facilitate the roll-out of LCTs and not being a blocker by having a well-managed and prepared network. Ensuring LCTs are connected and by preventing excursions due to voltage issues we will ensure carbon emission reductions are delivered.
· Metrics: for the future trial, assessment of LCTs deployment within the selected area and associated carbon emission reductions enabled as a result
Revenues – creation of new revenue streams
Creation of a new market proposition to crowdsource data from various stakeholders.
· Metrics: cost to acquire data from stakeholders
New to Market – processes
A better understanding of the LCTs impacts onto the network, i.e. identifying the relationship between LCTs and voltage may have implications for network planning and voltage management.
· Metrics: decreasing rate of voltage management complaints, demonstration of LCTs impact on voltage variations
New to market – services
The project will develop a new data service for DNOs to use. Although grid-edge data exists, currently there is no market proposition to allow DNOs to unlock and harness this data.
· Metrics: New services developed and launched
· Metrics: Number of voltage alerts and issues identified (ongoing measurement metric also linked to new revenues benefit category)
Others that are not SIF specific (benefits for the consumers)
Reduce voltage complaints and improved quality of supply, leading to a greater customer satisfaction.
· Metrics: decreasing rate of voltage management complaints, customer satisfaction scores
Reduced failures (e.g. tripped EV charger so vehicle not charged in the morning or PV inverter tripped)
· Metrics: decreasing rate of voltage management complaints, data analysis on one specific area
All benefits are linked to the deployment of Data Mate solution into business-as-usual following Beta, although some may be realised during the Project.