Project Summary
Compared with conventional solutions, we will better address both thermal and voltage issues that we increasingly experience in LV networks. The TRL of this project is approximately 4-5, and will benefit from dedicated innovation support to uplift the readiness of the following technologies:
LV Distributed STATCOM (D-STATCOM). This technology has never been deployed in UK network;
Distributed Soft Open Point (D-SOP) -- We aim to build up on the technology developed by UKPN to trial a more flexible and controllable solution;
Distributed Smart Transformer (D-ST) -- We build up on learnings from LV Engine project to fit a partially rated power electronics within slim design distribution transformer; and
Distributed Harmonic Filter (D-HF) -- There are number of solutions in the market that need further development for LV applications.
In addition to those well-established ENA and IEC standards for network interfaces, insulation requirements etc. we will particularly ensure the compliance with safety requirements in power electronics specified in IEC 62477 and for monitoring equipment in BS EN 61010. IT and OT cyber security of the control system is also need adequately implemented based on those specified in IEC 62433, recommendations by ENA OT/IT taskforce and our updated ED2 internally developed cybersecurity requirements.
Innovation Justification
D-Suite is applying against the Improving Energy System Resilience andRobustness challenge Theme 2. SP Energy Networks partnered with NewcastleUniversity who have expertise in Power Electronic supply chains. NewcastleUniversity will continue to partner with SP Energy Networks in the Alpha stage.
SP Energy Networks have led two Network Innovation Competition (NIC) Fundedprojects, Angle-DC and LV-Engine, which have involved design, procurement,testing and deployment of novel Power Electronic (PE) systems at medium andlow voltage levels respectively. Lessons learned from these projects include howto reduce the required functionality and ratings to an optimal level, to reduce unitcosts as far as possible. Other lessons include operation and control, visibility inthe network Energy Management System, carrying out fault and protection studiesand mitigating cooling and noise issues that come with active PE technologies.UKPN is a project partner who has led two Projects, FUN-LV and Active response,funded by the Low Carbon Networks Fund and NIC respectively. UKPN gainedvaluable learning procuring and deploying Soft Open Point (SOP) power electronicdevices.
The learning from the above projects, is informing our Project plan, which isstructured to develop the D-Suite technology technical scope, seek feedback fromthe supplier base, identified in the discovery stage, and select appropriate trialsites to test the technology. SP Energy Networks will continue to work with the endusers (network design, planning and control engineers), PED suppliers, PEconsultancies, network design and standards teams, local authorities, andacademic partners to ensure the D-Suite technologies are fit for purpose at thedeployment stage. A deployment of a D-STATCOM, at the LV voltage level, wouldbe a first for UK DNOs and would represent a leap forward in active LV networkcontrol using PEDs.
D-Suite alpha is scoped to progress the Project aims as far as possible within 6-months and under the allowable budget. There is no Work Package element thatis not required to begin tenders with suppliers in the Beta Stage. D-Suite requiresinnovation funding to:
-Kickstart the LV PED market to produce innovative low-cost D-Suite designsbased on modular DC- components.
-Develop D-Suite control and protection strategies to maximise benefits andequipment safety.
-Develop D-Suite design and planning tools.
-Develop operation and safety documents for novel D-Suite technologies.
The TRL levels of the D-Suite Technologies will rise from 4-5 to 6-8 based on thework undertaken in the Alpha and Beta stages of this project, should it besuccessful in achieving its aims.
Counterfactual alternatives to D-Suite technologies include 1) increasing thecapacity of LV feeders and secondary transformers, 2) installation of three phasesupplies to customers connecting high capacity LCTS (e.g., heat pumps, EVs andDER) and 3) installing passive harmonic filters. The first two options are verydisruptive to customers and require a large engineering resource to deploynationwide. The passive filter option, to mitigate harmonic emissions on LVnetworks, require the same connection arrangements as a D-HF, but will requireperiod tuning and possible reinstallation, as the background harmonic spectrumchanges over time.
Impacts and Benefits
From initial studies for the Discovery Proposal and as part of the Discovery workpackage, we can realise the following benefits:
-Financial - future reductions in the cost of operating the network
-Financial - cost savings per annum on energy bills for consumers
-Financial - cost savings per annum for users of network services
-Environmental - carbon reduction -- direct CO2 savings per annum
-Environmental carbon reduction - indirect CO2 savings per annum against abusiness-as-usual counterfactual
The above benefit categories have not changed, since the Discovery proposal,since the discovery has not changed the benefits case. Detailed D-Suite networklevel control modelling will provide network specific technical benefits based on ayear's worth of simulation of D-Suite technology performance.